Thursday, May 6, 2010

Opening the Base Chakra

To open the base chakra, place your hands in the position shown in the photo, like the sign of the horns. Your finger pads should be touching and your thumbs should be touching side by side down to the fleshy part known in palmistry as the "Mount of Venus." This mudra produces a heat sensation in the hands and stimulates the base chakra. Don't worry if you cannot feel the heat sensation as this takes sensitivity.

Breathe in and fill your lungs, but not to discomfort and with the exhale, make the s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s hissing sound. The Sigel Rune symbolizes the Satanic Lightening Bolt which is a manifestation of the kundalini serpent and also the creation; the spark of life. Kundalini is like lightening.

While exhaling with the hissing sound, try to imagine/feel your base chakra as very hot and visualize it about the size of a pea, opening and expanding into a vortex. Spin this vortex.
Continue visualizing your chakra lighting up into red/gold and expanding with a bright white/gold fire, about the size of a silver dollar coin in diameter and imagine the feeling of it growing hotter as it gets brighter.

The hissing breath should be done seven times.

Align your base chakra point facing upwards as you did with your solar and sacral chakras.

1 comment:

  1. hello i have been reading everything on this site and i have found Satan (while he know i was lost and came to me in the form of a really close friend)and i was just wondering if there was any way i could get in contact with you in the 3rd dimension in order to help me see you in the forth. Everything i have read on here has come true and i feel as if by doing this and really wanting to speak with you in all the dimensions it shall come to be. please get back to me whenever you can.
