Thursday, May 6, 2010
Opening the Base Chakra
Breathe in and fill your lungs, but not to discomfort and with the exhale, make the s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s hissing sound. The Sigel Rune symbolizes the Satanic Lightening Bolt which is a manifestation of the kundalini serpent and also the creation; the spark of life. Kundalini is like lightening.
While exhaling with the hissing sound, try to imagine/feel your base chakra as very hot and visualize it about the size of a pea, opening and expanding into a vortex. Spin this vortex.
Continue visualizing your chakra lighting up into red/gold and expanding with a bright white/gold fire, about the size of a silver dollar coin in diameter and imagine the feeling of it growing hotter as it gets brighter.
The hissing breath should be done seven times.
Align your base chakra point facing upwards as you did with your solar and sacral chakras.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Opening your Chakras
1st Muladhara - Chakra
Yantra: Lotus yellow with four petals, with an inverted red triangle within square Position: Base of spine
Color: Red
Element: Earth
Sense: Touch
Gems: Amethyst, aquamarine, coral, diamond, fire agate, jade and
Associated physical organs: adrenal glands, spine
vertebral, kidney, bladder, and part of the intestine
Musical Note: C
Mantra: Lam
It is considered the center of psychic energy and drive and is the base chakra or the root, which is linked to our earthly existence in the physical plane. It is the one that activates our connection to the earth and all material. In it resides the Kundalini, the main power that must awaken and master yogi to overcome his attachment to terrestrial life and their instinctive fear of death.
If you open gives us our will to live, living with
determination and perseverance, and we give it a wide
physical strength.
If it is closed or malfunctioning determine the physical and moral depression, and by extension the lack of desire to continue living. As can be the direct cause for physical problems such as natural abortion, alcoholism, anemia, sciatica, renal colic, diarrhea, infertility, hemorrhoids, and impotence.
a) Through Reiki: one of the most used techniques is Reiki, and although later delve into the topic to go so you can begin practicing next. First you put your hands in the heart with the fingers together, while energy is recharged after a few brief minutes, or when you feel they are already loaded, runs vertically palms as if aimed at the wall in front of you. After a few seconds, place your
hands on the part of your body where your first chakra is situated, which coincides with our genitals. Estate and until you feel you must remove your hands. Practice it more than once a day. Remember that when you pull over to use Reiki you rub your hands to take it off.
b) Through mantras: Another commonly used technique is the mantra. Here too we will go deeper into these weeks but if not yet know very well what they are you can try the following. In the lotus position or similar, breathe deeply three times. After attempting to be relaxed, making the sound "laaaaaaammmmmm" which will be within us as a C of the musical scale. However, if you feel you do not have to be like a C, so do it in the tone that you leave the body.
c) Through Yoga and breathing: the lovers of physical exercise, yoga which also discussed below, offers various positions for the chakras. For the former may be the following. We'll sit on the floor with one leg extended and the other leg bent so that our heel touches our pelvis. After carefully take our torso forward clutching his leg extended. We for one or two minutes and then switch legs to do the same thing.
Another exercise in this regard would be implemented as follows. Sit on the floor and bend both legs until they touch the soles of the feet. Then bend your torso toward the feet and grab them with both hands. Breathe quietly and endure far as you can and as long as you can.
d) Through music and dance: for those who enjoy the music this can be a powerful tool. In this case for the first chakra need a primitive music exciting. For example the sound of drums, or what will lead us even to make a kind of Indian dance. The pelvic movement is also very good.
c) Through and gem stones or color or fragrances can also use any of these three techniques are well on the rise lately and we will also have the pleasure of speaking. With regard to the stones or gems you should use a Smoky Quartz, so it will place from time to time in place for our first chakra. With regard to color therapy is that you get such sheets of the colors that help your chakras and look for a while. In the case of the former would correspond to bright red, not blood. Example. And if you prefer is to use scents then breathe deeply the scent of cedar, to increase your connection to the land.
Yantra: white lotus petals with six horizontal crescent in a circle Position: At the height of the sacral Color: Orange
Element: Water
Sense: Taste
Gems: Citrine, diamond, jade, opal, pearl, clear quartz, tourmaline
Associated physical organs: gonads, reproductive organs and nerve
Musical Note: Re
Mantra: Svam
Chakra is linked to the reproductive system.
If open denote a healthy sexual behavior. But also be related to our pursuit of material pleasure and creative level in art, emotions, ... At the same time is also very important in its significance of psychic powers, intuition and total domination of the senses.
If it is closed or misuse gives rise to all the negative fantasies and fears of sexuality and even the pleasures of life. And at the physical level can be the direct cause of anorexia, spleen problems, sciatica, renal colic, diarrhea, back pain, infertility, frigidity, gout, hernia, importance being, obesity, muscle cramps, burns, ovarian cysts, fluid retention, thyroid and vomiting.
a) Through Reiki: the technique is the same as above, except that now apply your hands for as long as you feel appropriate in the place where the second chakra is located below the navel. Remember not to separate the fingers and put a hand next to the other.
b) Through mantras: If you are still interested in using the mantras, the exercise is the same, but this time the sound they emit is "sssvvvaaaaaammmmm." The traditional tone correspond to the musical note D, but remember that you can do as you ask your body.
c) Through Yoga and breathing: so for those who prefer physical exercise we can use two positions. The first is the cat, and it is standing or on all fours, take a deep breath while we stooped. Then exhale slowly raising the torso and head to stretch.
d) Through music and dance: if you're still interested in music therapy for this second chakra then you must use with music and sounds of water in any form, rivers, waterfalls, splash, ... And if you want to move your pelvic movements like waves of water would be fantastic.
c) Through and gem stones or color or flavorings, if you are interested in better use of gems one may be the coral. Located at the site where your second chakra during the period you want. Regarding the color it is best that you do a certain leaf of orange and the view for a while. Example. With regard to aromatherapy, sandalwood smell for a little while is great, remember that you can also buy in the form of incense.
3rd Manipur - CHAKRA
Yantra: ten red lotus petals with an inverted red triangle inside a circle Poscición: Plexoclíaco-dome of the diaphragm
Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Sense: Vista
Gemstones: Aquamarine, citrine, diamond, emerald, jade, pearl, and
Associated physical bodies: Páncrteas, liver, gall vejigade, spleen, stomach, duodenum, colon, and small intestine
Musical note: My
Mantra: Ram
This chakra allows freedom from pain and illness. It is related to the rational mind, the will power and self-healing. Play a key role in relationships. It is, therefore, the more chakra relates to our ego. The difference between this chakra is the consistency and uniformity of the radiated energy.
If open, the above characteristics will be balanced and smooth.
If it is closed it would highlight a sense of inferiority, confusion and insecurity. In addition you can also increase the desire of possession, power, ... losing respect for others. At the physical level might cause anemia, anorexia, anxiety, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, bulimia, headache, cancer, cramps, gallstones, diabetes, infertility, gastritis, gout, hernia, liver, osteoporosis, fluid retention, chronic rheumatism, duodenal ulcer, and vomiting.
a) Through Reiki: the technique is the same as for ateriores, only now you apply your hands for as long as you feel appropriate where the third chakra is located above the navel. Remember not to separate the fingers and put a hand next to the other. And sacudírtelas when finished.
b) Through mantras: If you are still interested in using the mantras, the exercise is the same, but this time the sound they emit is "rrraaaaaammmm" (the "r" is soft). The traditional tone correspond to the musical note E, but remember that you can do as you ask your body.
c) Through Yoga and breathing: so for those who prefer physical exercise can use the other two positions. First we sit on our heels with hands on knees. We will take the body forward with arms outstretched and extending well back breathe deeply. After taking the air we exhale while going up and incorporating up to be hunched over.
d) Through music and dance: about music for the third chakra, we recommend all related to the orchestral music, especially that related to stringed instruments such as "The Four Seasons" by Vivaldi. If you want to move the stomach shrinks and expands.
c) Through and gem stones or color or fragrances: in the third chakra gem therapy is good to use the emerald of the way it tells you the other chakras but appropriate to the position of third. With regard to color therapy ideally look for a little while a pale-yellow leaf. Example. Aromatherapy uses for lemons.
Yantra: Loto gray twelve petals. Two triangles forming a six-pointed star within a circle Position: In the region of the heart between the two nipples
Color: Green and Pink
Element: Air
Sense: Smell
Gems: Jade, malachite, ruby, tourmaline green, and pink tourmaline
Associated physical bodies: Timo, heart, bronchi and gastrointestinal
respiratory and vagus nerve
Musical Note: F
Mantra: Iam (iam)
This chakra is the universal love.
If open, he develops the capacity to love fully, unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. It is also the one who develops a sense of harmony and beauty. On the other hand represents the will of our self in relation to the outside world, united to the divine will, so also called the door of the soul. A turn is the chakra through which it passes all the energy we give to others, so only if it is open we can make energy "healing." It is the gateway to the astral body and regulates the quality and the interactions of joy, sorrow, fear and anger.
If it is closed we can not love completely, not worrying about our neighbor, so as not balanced energy flow in our bodies sutilies. Physically, it could trigger in alcoholism, low self-esteem, throat, angina, angina pectoris, anorexia, anxiety, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, bulimia, cancer, circulation problems, gallstones, heart problems, diabetes, back pain, epilepsy, multiple escleriosis, gout, halitosis, impotence, inflammation in general, leukemia, ear, lungs, rehumatismos chronic sinusitis, and cough.
a) Through Reiki: the technique is the same as for ateriores, only now you apply your hands for as long as you feel appropriate in the place where the fourth chakra is located in the heart area. Remember not to separate the fingers and put a hand next to the other. And when you're done sacudírtelas
b) Through mantras: If you are still interested in using the mantras, the exercise is the same, but this time the sound they emit is "iiiaaaaammmm." The traditional tone correspond to the musical note F, but remember that you can do as you ask your body.
c) Through Yoga and breathing: two positions if you want to practice to open your fourth chakra. The first is very simple one, sit like Buddha or similar situation cross your arms and your hands under your armpits. After a deep breath and stay there for a few minutes.
d) Through music and dance: about music for the fourth chakra, you can use any music you get to the heart as the sacred, new age, classical, ... Any body opening movement is fantastic.
c) Through and gem stones or color or fragrances: in the fourth chakra gem therapy is good to use rose quartz in the way that you described in the other chakras but appropriate to the position of the room. With regard to color therapy ideally look for a little while a leaf green or pink. Example. Example. If you prefer to use the mint aroma is fabulous.
5 Vishuddha - CHAKRA
Yantra: golden-white lotus of sixteen petals with a white circle
within an inverted triangle
Position: Throat-cervical
Color: Blue
Element: Ether
Sense: Taste, Hearing and Smell Gems: Aquamarine, Citrine,
lapis lazuli, turquoise and associated physical bodies: Thyroid and
parathyroid, throat, tonsils, larynx, vocal cords, esophagus,
and bronchi
Musical Note: G
Mantra: Ham
It is the chakra of communication of sound and vibration.
If it is open gives us our ability to receive and assimilate. This center is responsible for the rejuvenation and longevity, the master yogi who attains immortality because from that time lives outside time, beyond the past, present and future which dominates. With this chakra open to understand what our material and spiritual yearnings, and understand that we are directly responsible for as Recebo and assimilate, so it is synonymous with integrity. The I Am emerge and can act in any situation.
If it is closed see the fear that what we receive from others is negative beings potencialemnte is becoming aggressive, adopting an attitude of self-defense to everything. At the physical level can trigger allergy problems, angina, arthritis, asthma, bulimia, cancer, teeth, back pain, sore throat, halitosis, laryngitis, osteoporosis, and skin problems.
a) Through Reiki: the technique is the same as for ateriores, only now you apply your hands for as long as you feel appropriate in the place where the fifth chakra is located in the throat area. Remember not to separate the fingers, no issues here riding on the other hand.
b) Through mantras: If you are still interested in using the mantras, the exercise is the same, but this time the sound they emit is "hhhaaaaammmm" (the "h" soft, as if exhaláramos). The traditional tone musical notes correspond to the sun, but remember that you can do as you ask your body.
c) Through Yoga and breathing: the ideal exercise is as follows. Acousto you'll face up and breathing slowly
while turning his head from one city to another. Tomas air where the neck is turned loose and the way to the other side.
d) Through music and dance: the music of the new era is ideal for the fifth chakra. Pitched sounds are essential. Just as light and fluid movements of the neck.
c) Through and gem stones or color or fragrances: in the fifth chakra gem therapy is good to use turquoise as it indicates that in the other chakras but appropriate to the position of fifth. With regard to color therapy ideally look for a little while a slip of blue color. Example. If you prefer to use aromatherapy uses azhar.
Yantra: Lotus of "color of the moon" with two petals with a triangle
upside down, inside which reflects the symbol of Om
Location: On the forehead between the eyebrows - neck
Color: Indigo, viola
Element: Light
Sense: Vista
Gems: Amethyst, emerald, jade, ruby opal, and sapphire
Associated physical organs: pituitary and pituitary glands, part
lower brain, left eye, ears and nose
Musical Note: The
Mantra: Om
Although depicted with two petals, actually has two groups of 48 (96). Is commonly referred to as the "third eye."
His awakening gives spiritual evolution and mastery of spirit over matter. Perception, knowledge and control are their prerogatives. We therefore allowed to enter the world of non-material, the apparently invisible to equip ourselves with knowledge, ie a deep awareness of what surrounds us. It is also associated with the assimilation of intellectual concepts and the ability to implement them.
If it is closed ideas and misconceptions continue, with negative consequences for us and our neighbors. Besides the imbalance makes being is illogical, too intellectual, and distracted. At the physical level can trigger problems such as allergies, anemia, headaches, cataracts, infections, leukemia, myopia, neuralgia, cysts, sinusitis, and vertigo.
a) Through Reiki: the technique is the same as for ateriores, only now you apply your hands for as long as you feel appropriate where the sixth chakra is located in the area of the forehead between the eyes . Remember not to separate the fingers, hands together but not attached.
b) Through mantras: If you are still interested in using the mantras, the exercise is the same, but this time the sound they emit is "aaauuuummmm." The traditional tone correspond to the musical note A, but remember that you can do as you ask your body.
c) Through Yoga and breathing: the ideal exercise is as follows. Sitting Buddha in the position or lie down like a little back and supports your hands so that it is a bit tilted. Tilt your head back and breathe quietly for a while.
d) Through music and dance: the music of Bach or Mozart are best suited to open the third eye.
c) Through and gem stones or color or fragrances: in gem therapy for the sixth chakra is good use of amethyst
so that tells you the other chakras but appropriate to the position of sixth. With regard to color therapy ideally look for a little while a leaf indigo blue or blue oscuro.Ejemplo. If you prefer to use aromatherapy uses jasmine.
7th Sahasrara - CHAKRA
Yantra: Lotus Flower "color diamond" with a thousand petals which
entering a wheel with a thousand radios
Position: At the top of the head, where the fontanelle
Color: White and Gold
Element: Thought
Direction: All directions
Gems: Amethyst, diamond, malachite, clear quartz, and tourmaline
Associated physical bodies: epiphysis glands, pituitary and pineal gland, upper brain and right eye
Musical Note: If
Mantra: M
What chakras are and their psychological properties
Chakras are centers of energy, located on the midline of the body. There are seven of them, and they govern our psychological properties. The chakras located on the lower part of our body are our instinctual side, the highest ones our mental side.
The chakras can have various levels of activity. When they're "open," they're considered operative in a normal fashion.
Ideally, all chakras would contribute to our being. Our instincts would work together with our feelings and thinking. However, this is usually not the case. Some chakras are not open enough (being under-active), and to compensate, other chakras are over-active. The ideal state is where the chakras are balanced.
There exist lots of techniques to balance the chakras. Mostly techniques to open chakras are used. It makes no sense to try to make over-active chakras less active, as they are compensating for other chakras. To restore the compensation they'd be over-active again in no time. To stop them from compensating, the chakras they are compensating for must be opened.
1 - Root chakra
The Root chakra is about being physically there and feeling at home in situations. If it is open, you feel grounded, stable and secure. You don't unnecessarily distrust people. You feel present in the here and now and connected to your physical body. You feel you have sufficient territory.
If you tend to be fearful or nervous, your Root chakra is probably under-active. You'd easily feel unwelcome.
If this chakra is over-active, you may be very materialistic and greedy. You're probably obsessed with being secure and resist change.
2 - Sacral chakra
The Sacral chakra is about feeling and sexuality. When it is open, your feelings flow freely, and are expressed without you being over-emotional. You are open to intimacy and you can be passionate and lively. You have no problems dealing with your sexuality.
If you tend to be stiff and unemotional or have a "poker face," the Sacral chakra is under-active. You're not very open to people.
If this chakra is over-active, you tend to be emotional all the time. You'll feel emotionally attached to people and you can be very sexual.
3 - Navel chakra
The Navel chakra is about asserting yourself in a group. When it is open, you feel in control and you have sufficient self esteem.
When the Navel chakra is under-active, you tend to be passive and indecisive. You're probably timid and don't get what you want.
If this chakra is over-active, you are domineering and probably even aggressive.
4 - Heart chakra
The Heart chakra is about love, kindness and affection. When it is open, you are compassionate and friendly, and you work at harmonious relationships.
When your Heart chakra is under-active, you are cold and distant.
If this chakra is over-active, you are suffocating people with your love and your love probably has quite selfish reasons.
5 - Throat chakra
The Throat chakra is about self-expression and talking. When it is open, you have no problems expressing yourself, and you might be doing so as an artist.
When this chakra is under-active, you tend not to speak much, and you probably are introverted and shy. Not speaking the truth may block this chakra.
If this chakra is over-active, you tend to speak too much, usually to domineer and keep people at a distance. You're a bad listener if this is the case.
6 - Third Eye chakra
The Third Eye chakra is about insight and visualization. When it is open, you have a good intuition. You may tend to fantasize.
If it is under-active, you're not very good at thinking for yourself, and you may tend to rely on authorities. You may be rigid in your thinking, relying on beliefs too much. You might even get confused easily.
If this chakra is over-active, you may live in a world of fantasy too much. In excessive cases halucinations are possible.
7 - Crown chakra
The Crown chakra is about wisdom and being one with the world. When this chakra is open, you are unprejudiced and quite aware of the world and yourself.
If it is under-active, you're not very aware of spirituality. You're probably quite rigid in your thinking.
If this chakra is over-active, you are probably intellectualizing things too much. You may be addicted to spirituality and are probably ignoring your bodily needs.
Introduction to the chakras
What chakras are and their psychological properties
Chakras are centers of energy, located on the midline of the body. There are seven of them, and they govern our psychological properties. The chakras located on the lower part of our body are our instinctual side, the highest ones our mental side.
The chakras can have various levels of activity. When they're "open," they're considered operative in a normal fashion.
Ideally, all chakras would contribute to our being. Our instincts would work together with our feelings and thinking. However, this is usually not the case. Some chakras are not open enough (being under-active), and to compensate, other chakras are over-active. The ideal state is where the chakras are balanced. To find out what the state of your chakras is, do the chakra test.
There exist lots of techniques to balance the chakras. Mostly techniques to open chakras are used. It makes no sense to try to make over-active chakras less active, as they are compensating for other chakras. To restore the compensation they'd be over-active again in no time. To stop them from compensating, the chakras they are compensating for must be opened. See the techniques to open chakras.
. 1 - Root chakra
The Root chakra is about being physically there and feeling at home in situations. If it is open, you feel grounded, stable and secure. You don't unnecessarily distrust people. You feel present in the here and now and connected to your physical body. You feel you have sufficient territory.
If you tend to be fearful or nervous, your Root chakra is probably under-active. You'd easily feel unwelcome.
If this chakra is over-active, you may be very materialistic and greedy. You're probably obsessed with being secure and resist change.
. 2 - Sacral chakra
The Sacral chakra is about feeling and sexuality. When it is open, your feelings flow freely, and are expressed without you being over-emotional. You are open to intimacy and you can be passionate and lively. You have no problems dealing with your sexuality.
If you tend to be stiff and unemotional or have a "poker face," the Sacral chakra is under-active. You're not very open to people.
If this chakra is over-active, you tend to be emotional all the time. You'll feel emotionally attached to people and you can be very sexual.
. 3 - Navel chakra
The Navel chakra is about asserting yourself in a group. When it is open, you feel in control and you have sufficient self esteem.
When the Navel chakra is under-active, you tend to be passive and indecisive. You're probably timid and don't get what you want.
If this chakra is over-active, you are domineering and probably even aggressive.
. 4 - Heart chakra
The Heart chakra is about love, kindness and affection. When it is open, you are compassionate and friendly, and you work at harmonious relationships.
When your Heart chakra is under-active, you are cold and distant.
If this chakra is over-active, you are suffocating people with your love and your love probably has quite selfish reasons.
. 5 - Throat chakra
The Throat chakra is about self-expression and talking. When it is open, you have no problems expressing yourself, and you might be doing so as an artist.
When this chakra is under-active, you tend not to speak much, and you probably are introverted and shy. Not speaking the truth may block this chakra.
If this chakra is over-active, you tend to speak too much, usually to domineer and keep people at a distance. You're a bad listener if this is the case.
. 6 - Third Eye chakra
The Third Eye chakra is about insight and visualization. When it is open, you have a good intuition. You may tend to fantasize.
If it is under-active, you're not very good at thinking for yourself, and you may tend to rely on authorities. You may be rigid in your thinking, relying on beliefs too much. You might even get confused easily.
If this chakra is over-active, you may live in a world of fantasy too much. In excessive cases halucinations are possible.
. 7 - Crown chakra
The Crown chakra is about wisdom and being one with the world. When this chakra is open, you are unprejudiced and quite aware of the world and yourself.
If it is under-active, you're not very aware of spirituality. You're probably quite rigid in your thinking.
If this chakra is over-active, you are probably intellectualizing things too much. You may be addicted to spirituality and are probably ignoring your bodily needs.
What are the Chakras?
These chakras, or energy centers, function as pumps or valves, regulating the flow of energy through our energy system. The functioning of the chakras reflects decisions we make concerning how we choose to respond to conditions in our life. We open and close these valves when we decide what to think, and what to feel, and through which perceptual filter we choose to experience the world around us.
The chakras are not physical. They are aspects of consciousness in the same way that the auras are aspects of consciousness. The chakras are more dense than the auras, but not as dense as the physical body. They interact with the physical body through two major vehicles, the endocrine system and the nervous system. Each of the seven chakras is associated with one of the seven endocrine glands, and also with a group of nerves called a plexus. Thus, each chakra can be associated with particular parts of the body and particular functions within the body controlled by that plexus or that endocrine gland associated with that chakra.
All of your senses, all of your perceptions, all of your possible states of awareness, everything it is possible for you to experience, can be divided into seven categories. Each category can be associated with a particular chakra. Thus, the chakras represent not only particular parts of your physical body, but also particular parts of your consciousness.
When you feel tension in your consciousness, you feel it in the chakra associated with that part of your consciousness experiencing the stress, and in the parts of the physical body associated with that chakra. Where you feel the stress depends upon why you feel the stress. The tension in the chakra is detected by the nerves of the plexus associated with that chakra, and transmitted to the parts of the body controlled by that plexus. When the tension continues over a period of time, or to a particular level of intensity, the person creates a symptom on the physical level.
The symptom speaks a language that reflects the idea that we each create our reality, and the metaphoric significance of the symptom becomes apparent when the symptom is described from that point of view. Thus, rather than saying, "I can't see," the person would describe it as keeping themselves from seeing something. "I can't walk," means the person has been keeping themselves from walking away from a situation in which they are unhappy. And so on.
The symptom served to communicate to the person through their body what they had been doing to themselves in their consciousness. When the person changes something about their way of being, getting the message communicated by the symptom, the symptom has no further reason for being, and it can be released, according to whatever the person allows themselves to believe is possible.
We believe everything is possible.
We believe that anything can be healed. It's just a question of how to do it.
Understanding the chakras allows you to understand the relationship between your consciousness and your body, and to thus see your body as a map of your consciousness. It gives you a better understanding of yourself and those around you.
3 Basics Steps for the Magic
The three basic steps are:
1 .- boost your energy
2 .- your energy program
3 .- direct your energy
Let's start step by step ... you have to have energy to work with it, the bigger the energy, the better. the more you use your energy, will become increasingly stronger, is like exercising a muscle, and an easy way to increase your energy is as follows:
* Reaches the state of trance
* Visualize yourself (a) you're being surrounded by a golden energy that will fully cover
* Now inhale, and as you inhale, feel like that golden energy enters every part of your body
* Leave some breathing (you will not drown! That's what I mean.) Feel the power within you
* Now exhale and feel the energy that was absorbed far out, but does not escape, if that makes your aura is growing. do this every day for a couple of minutes, and actually feel that your energy is increasing
With step two, now you can program your energy. To schedule your energy, you must want something specific. The energy of the majority of the people are weak, neutral or inert. now you're already a step forward. Over 2 you begin to use the so-called "affirmations." Affirmations are short sentences, and filled with whatever you want. In the claims should not say the word "desire" or "I want" or "I wish" ... those words are out!. an example of the above discussion of the correct and incorrect:
Incorrect: I'd like to return "__________ me "
:"_____________ right is turning to me "
Also you must have a bit careful, because your energy trying to accomplish what you want in the most fast and easy as possible, for example you want to have a lot of money, thanks to the programming of your energy, an erroneous deposit in bank transaction your account $ 3,000,000,000,000,000 million pesos were destined for a foundation to fight hunger in Africa. Well, that, in your statement you should give a path where the energy has to go ... how I do this? following the example of "__________ coming back to me, "now we will complete.
Completely: "___________ coming back to me safely and smoothly "
Claims must be repeated with intention, for 4 to 5 minutes or whatever you deem sufficient.
Always remember: the energies do not understand, take the path that I offer less resistance
Another example would be to lose weight. if your aura program the wrong way, you could lose weight very quickly but it would cause serious diseases on you, for this claim would be: "I am losing weight safely and positive for me"
In step 3 you direct the energy. all this through visualization. The energy used in white magic White gold is similar to sunshine.
For example, if you want to get money, you have to see the money (for example a boil full of gold, or your wallet bursting at Lucas 20 bills), you should always "feel", "touch", "smelly "Money in this example. the more real is what you feel and more you use your astral senses, the more effective will be done. you feel the energy brighter, bigger. emotions you feel happy.
I hope that this has been helpful.
How to see the Aura?
To feel the aura:
Reach a light trance state (that only you become more perceptive), and begins to pass your hands over your arms ... zoom out your hand and your arm will feel a special warmth and a kind of tickle on your arm, well, each aura is different, my partner was like electric and mine was hot ... but the important thing is qu feel the energy change between zoom in and out the hand of your arm.
Now run your hands over your face, zooms your hands, you feel? Now run your hands elsewhere in your body, feeling the approach and departure from your aura.
Now try a relative or friend of yours ... Hence you will notice the difference in your aura and that of others.
To see the aura:
Here are two ways ... the easiest is:
Reaches a state of trance medium (when these perceptual and your movements are slow, you look more into the details). Place your hand on a black background. stares at your hand, blinks, if necessary, and now see around your hand as you draw a thick line or thin depending on how strong is your aura. the aura is almost the same way that your body and notice how wide it is, what color is that sensation you produce ...
Now look at you in front of a mirror, ideally at night with a lit candle. watch the edges of your body, concentrate, is the energy that goes around your body ...
now deals with other people.
or the way a little more difficult:
This will require the third eye open (quiet, soon comes a full article on how to open all your chakras (the 11 chakras and some minor chakras)).
close your eyes and reaches the state of trance. watch via your third eye, your hands, your legs, which colors do you see? feel your aura with both hands while your third eye. Now try it with other people.
A help to know how is the aura:
Have spent some time staring at a candle? are set at the light emanating from around the flame? and have been to see what's around the light from the candle? Do it ... because the aura of the flame of a candle is very easy to see, and something similar to what would have to do with these exercises.
Good Moon!!
How to clean de Aura
The Devils have a bright aura, contrary to what everyone thinks.
How to clean your aura:
* Sees the trance state, it need not necessarily be deep
* "FEEL" that your body absorbs a golden white energy through your 7 main chakras (see diagram chakras), condenser as little suns in each of your chakras
* Absorbs this energy through your chakras for a couple of minutes (no more than 3 minutes). and that's it. If you notice that one of your chakras still contaminated, repeat the process
This exercise puts you on alert for any psychic attack and any negative energy, making you aware before it manifests.
Good Moon!!
What is the aura
A weak aura is exposed to attack by entities, psychic attacks and illnesses of all kinds but a strong aura physical body becomes immune to diseases, attacks by hostile entities, psychic attacks and develops psychic abilities.
It is important to have a clean and powerful aura.
Good Moon!!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
How to get into a state of trance
To get into a trance state takes practice. Remember, each of us is individual and some may find this easier than others. The important thing is to be persistent and patient with yourself. Persistence and consistency are everything here.
Performing breathing exercises before trance is highly recommended, as this will naturally calm the nervous system.
1. Sit comfortably. Do not lie down because you might fall asleep.
2. Breathe in for a count of six, hold for a count of six and then exhale for a count of six. Do this breathing until you are completely relaxed. Ideally, you should no longer be able to feel your body.
3. Imagine you are climbing down a ladder in the dark. Don’t visualize a ladder; just imagine you can feel yourself doing it. On the exhale, feel yourself climbing a step or two down the ladder. On the inhale, feel yourself holding still on the ladder.
4. Now, let go of the ladder and free fall backwards. If you get dizzy or disoriented, just bring your attention to the front of your body and this will stop. This mental falling effect, when combined with deep relaxation and mental calmness, will cause you to enter the trance state.
What is needed is a mental falling effect inside your mind. This changes the level of brain wave activity from the awake level (Beta) to the asleep level (Alpha) or the deep sleep level (Theta). Once your level of brain wave activity reaches Alpha you will enter a trance. Once you get the heavy feeling, stop the mental falling exercise. If you don’t like the ladder, imagine you are in a lift [elevator], feel yourself falling on the exhale and holding on the inhale. Or, Imagine you are a feather, feel yourself floating down on the exhale and holding still on the inhale. You need a mental falling effect to lower your level of brain wave activity.
5. Keep doing this for as long as it takes. The time it takes to enter trance will vary, depending on your experience with deep relaxation and mental calmness.
A trance feels like: Everything gets quieter and you feel like you are in a much bigger place. There is a very slight humming feeling in your body. Everything feels different. It feels a bit like putting a cardboard box over your head in the dark, you can feel the atmosphere change. It’s like everything goes fuzzy or slightly blurred. Any sharp noises, while in trance are painful.
6. To bring yourself out of the trance:
Concentrate on moving your fingers or toes. Once you can move a finger or toe, flex your hands, move your arms, shake your head, i.e., reanimate your body; and get up and walk around for a few minutes.
What this exercise does:
In order to advance in psychic power, we must train our minds. When we are in a trance state, our brain waves slow down considerably. There are two sides to the brain- the left logical/intellectual masculine side and the right creative/intuitive feminine side. The right side is the seat of the subconscious. This is the area of the mind that is open to suggestion and programming and the seat of our astral power. When the left side of our brain is active in thinking, the right side cannot be accessed. Trance states shut off the left side so we can access and program the right side (subconscious).
It takes training to be able to induce a deep trance state. Deep trance states are not always necessary, but for specific workings, they are very important. Once we train our minds to go deeper and deeper into a trance, this becomes easier and easier and takes less and less time as we become adept. The mind is like a muscle and for most people, this exercise will be an introduction to a part of the mind that has never even been accessed before.
It is *very* important to never be startled out of a trance state, especially a deep one, so make sure you are in a room or area where you are left alone and the phone is turned off. Being startled and pulled out of a trance the wrong way can be extremely painful and the pain can last for days, especially if you are doing energy work in this state.
It is normal when in a trance state for any sounds to be very painful. This is because in this state, our senses are extremely heightened.
An adept can place themselves in a deep trance within seconds at will. In closing, it is not necessary to always go into a deep trance to work with your mind. The trance state is used to train your mind. With very important or difficult workings, a deep trance is often necessary.
2. Imagine and will, with each inhale, not only your lungs are breathing, inhaling air, but also your whole body is breathing in energy. You inhale with your entire body. The breath acts as a focus for absorbing energy.
3. Know that along with your lungs, each single inch of your body simultaneously absorbs energy. Like a dry sponge when dipped into water absorbs, your body should absorb energy with each inhalation.
Since everyone is individual, how each of us feels the energy will be different in some respects.
To reverse this, exhale energy out. This can make you tired and shouldn’t be done regularly other than to get a grip on how to do it.
* Exhaling energy is for empowering talismans, charging sigils, healing- anything, and everything when you want to put energy into something or to direct it.
* Energy can also be inhaled and absorbed and then directed to a specific area of your body for healing.
* In a very short time, you should be able to feel the energy when you breathe it in. As you advance, you will be able to see it without trying to visualize it.
* Feeling in this exercise is most important, especially when you are new. Do not try to see the energy as this can be a distraction. Just get a feel for it.
* This exercise is the most important for working with your mind and manipulating energy, which is the foundation of all magick.
As you advance, you can use this technique of energy absorption to absorb energy from the Sun and from just about anything you choose.
Breathing Exercises
Repeat the exercises 4 times for new people, for average 8 – 10 times and for experienced meditators, how ever many you are comfortable with. Advanced meditators can go as many as 60 – 100 repetitions of each of the breathing exercises below, but this has to be worked up to with each of the individual exercises, and over a period of time. Pushing yourself with these breathing exercises can damage your nervous system. A warning that you are overdoing it is words and speech getting messed up. Letting up and lessening the time of holding the breath and such and this will go away.
If the instructions below are not clear to you, you can find more information on the internet or in Yoga texts.
Technique #1
1. Inhale slowly through your nose and visualize and focus upon energy being drawn into your base chakra and with the inhale, draw this energy up through all of your chakras to the crown, illuminating each one.
2. Hold for a count of four for new people, for an average, a count of ten and for advanced meditators, however long you feel comfortable. This should be the same count throughout the meditation.
3. Exhale slowly through your nose and visualize and focus upon energy being drawn into your crown chakra and with the exhale, direct this energy back down through all of your chakras to the base, illuminating each one.
Technique #2
BREATH OF FIRE also known as "Kapalabhati"
Technique #3
1. Inhale through your left nostril for a count of four and focus on your top three chakras.
2. Hold your breath for a count of 6 at the top of your inhale.
3. Switch and close your left nostril with your thumb, and now exhale for a count of four through your right nostril, slowly and evenly.
4. Inhale through your right nostril and hold for a count of six
5. Exhale through your left nostril, for a count of four
6. Inhale through your left nostril for a count of four, hold for a count of six, exhale through your right nostril for a count of four.
* Inhale through left
* Hold at the end of the inhale
* Exhale through right
* Inhale through right
* Hold at the end of the inhale
* Exhale through left
The above constitutes one round.
Repeat the above 4 times for newbies, eight to ten times, then build up to 20 times for experienced and up to 40 times or more for advanced meditators.
It is important to relax and take your time with this exercise.
For advanced meditators, the times can vary from being equal, for example, a ratio of 2 on the inhale, 8 on the hold, and 4 on the exhale, but this must be consistent through the meditation. Shorter inhales with longer exhales increase the witchpower drastically in a short period of time.
The above exercise directs the prana/witchpower to the head and upper chakras. This is a great exercise if you find your energy pooling in your legs, which can be dangerous.
With this exercise, the hold is at the bottom, after your exhale and goes like this:
1. Focus on your three lower chakras
2. Inhale through your left nostril for a count of four, closing off the right nostril with your thumb. This is best done by pushing the pad of your thumb onto your nostril.
3. Switch and close your left nostril with your thumb, and now exhale through your right nostril for a count of four.
4. Hold your breath for a count of six, after the exhale.
5. Keeping your left nostril closed, inhale through your right nostril for a count of four, switch and close your right nostril and exhale through your left for a count of four.
6. Hold at the end of the exhale for a count of six and then inhale through your left again for a count of four, exhale through the right and then hold for a count of six, inhale through the right, switch and close the right and exhale through the left, hold for six, inhale through the left.
* Inhale through left
* Exhale through right
* Hold at the end of the exhale
* Inhale through right
* Exhale through left
* Hold at the end of the exhale
* Inhale through left
This constitutes one round. What this exercise does is to bring the prana/witchpower to your lower chakras.
Repeat the above 4 times for newbies, eight to ten times, then build up to 20 times for experienced and up to 40 times or more for advanced meditators.
It is important to relax and take your time with this exercise.
Technique # 4
First Set:
1. Inhale through both nostrils for a count of 2
2. Hold four a count of 4
3. Exhale for a count of 6
4. Hold for a count of 4
The above constitutes one round. Six to ten rounds is ok for new people. Those who are experienced and advanced should go with as many as comfortable.
The following exercise should be done for as many rounds as the above exercise and both should be done with the one below following the one above:
Second Set:
1. Inhale for a count of 6
2. Hold for a count of 6
3. Exhale for a count of 4
Do NOT hold at the bottom. However many rounds you did with set one, you need to do with this exercise.
Good Moon!!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Who are the gods?
Now give some points on the gods to know who they are:
"The gods are the Annunaki (Gods original), ancient aliens, who came to Earth to mine for gold thousands of years ago (In this page there is enough info about it and books). They are very intellectual, physical, technological and spiritually advanced. Many married human women, and were cursed for this, by other gods who were opposed to educate or elevate human beings above that of an animal, would not advance that humans (as seen today).
"The gods were at first with humankind and Enki (Satan) will think through genetic engineering (the rest of the story already know it, is something to see on the labels" Origins ") so it is enki the real father and not the false Judeo-Christian god.
"The gods are not evil as the Christians say! They are full, pure and just, as has been said they are about good and evil, they do things to their benefit and the benefit of his followers and the earth, they are aware of what they do (they are gods obvious) not as humans sometimes are not aware of their actions.
"From now the gods will not be called as demons, were called as a principle they called gods should be, to call them as they do Christians? ...
"Some things that have to be clear is that they are not fallen angels, or at least belonged to these pests .. The gods who came from nebiru like the angels who come from other extraterrestrial races (later on they talk about them) enemies of the gods and humanity.
"The gods are not asking for acts of human or animal sacrifices, as I said in my sermon" letter to a pseudo Satanist "is nothing more than Judeo-Christian culture as in his own mythological bible says so.
"The gods must not be invoked or called by grimoires books, those books were written by rabbis pseudo magicians who call others only enemy posing as the" demons "deceiving the people, there are several ways to contact the real gods tell you how later, just be patient.
"I know some do not believe in aliens and think they are only inventions of man because the videos and false information given to them .. But still think we're alone in this vast and infinite universe? is somewhat illogical to believe that we are alone and that we are the only ones there are several alien races that are before the human race! are nothing more than a mucus in this infinite universe .. In fact we humans are far from reality that we were removed, humanity is trapped in a bubble that forbids see reality and discover the great things we can do with our gifts and only a few have managed to leave the bubble.
"The dream of the gods that humanity is to achieve his followers to be gods like them, the only way is meditation, increasing our spiritual levels, strengthening our spirits, minds and developing the gifts .. those gifts and abilities that the father enki gave us and we were sealed by the enemy through lies and lies .. it is the duty of everyone to develop these gifts, the goal is to transmute the soul in divinity as gods in order to live in eternal harmony with the earth and the universe .
"Now they ask, but where are the gods?, That left the earth? Actually they never left the land, only that they were forced to leave due to a war that was unleashed with the enemy, the gods fought for humanity and the gods lost this battle to be exceeded in number being sealed to one dimension that binds our world so that mankind will forget them.
"The dimension where they were confined to the gods in the Bible became known as" hell "which they say that is covered in flames and punish disobedient souls of the Christian god, this is a lie! Remember that all of Christianity is a fallacy! The "hell" is not like they portray it, hell was the Valhalla of the Vikings.
"The gods will no longer be called as" gods of hell "that the word" hell "is used by Christians to scare people.
"The gods are always willing to provide protection and to teach the followers of Father enki, they never make us harm, instead, they want the best for us and humanity and the earth!.
I hope that with this they can understand who the real gods and their minds have been removed from this bad image that Judeo-Christianity were instilled in their minds.
Hail Enki!
Who is Enki/Satan?
Satan was Enki real engineer of the human race. It was the Sumerian god of science, engineering, magic, strategy, music and love.
He was also known as the god Ea, the god Ptah Egyptian Melek'Taus by the Yezidi. and he has been called the enemy of the Christian god, simply because it gives his supporters the knowledge and wisdom of the universe and how to be like gods themselves, and because they refuse to believe the lie.
Enki was considered the protector and teacher of mankind. He essentially a god of civilization, and it was natural was also considered the creator of man
Enki was a deity in Sumerian mythology, later known as EA in Babylonian mythology. The name of Ea is of Sumerian and was written by two signs meaning "house" and "water." Enki was the deity of water, intelligence and creation. The main temple of Enki was the "house of water (-) deep, which was in Eridu, who was in the wetlands of the Euphrates valley at some distance from the Persian Gulf. . He is the lord of the watery abyss. His name is possibly an epithet placed in him to create the first man [Adam Adamu or not Adapa, an obvious play of words. His symbols included a goat and a fish, later combined into a single beast, the Capricorn, which became one of the signs of the zodiac.
The Bible writers called it the healing snake Nehushtan. The Hebrew word for serpent is "nahash." The root of the word are the Hebrew letters Nun, Het and Shin that mean "guess." This translated into other languages as "satan" some tell the "enemy" or "adversary."
He is the creator of humanity, through what we would today call genetic manipulation, as it could be interpreted as told in the epic legend of Atrahasis Akkadian, and later also considered its savior, as it warned of the flood universal ( abubu in Akkadian and Sumerian) Ziusudra (the Babylonian name of this character would Utnapishtim). This deluge promoted him Enlil, the "Lord of Heaven (from the air or atmosphere), to the divine assembly, apparently concerned about the excessive proliferation of the human race and their noisy behavior. Enlil able to convince the rest of the Gods, assembled, to authorize the extermination of humanity. This legend gave rise to later biblical account of Noah and the Flood.
Its main temple was the "e-Engures-a" sacred place surrounded by reeds in the "Abzu" where he lived. The city of Eridu was the first house built by himself on his arrival in the land. Enki is the only holder of the mysterious "I", untranslatable term that has been interpreted as "Powers" or "divine laws" and that the Gods could wear them as ornaments or jewelry.
Satan is about 6 feet tall, with pale skin, her hair short to medium length blond and appears much more at this picture, without wings, of course.
* Your day is Monday
* Its colors are blue, red and black.
* He is the God also called Enki Sumerian EA means. Also known as Melek Ta'us. (Staff I call enki)
* Animals are sacred for: The peacock, snake, goat, dragon and the raven.
* He loves music and was music that gave us
* Your numbers are 2, 4 and 11. ((Not 666 as this number refers to the Aquarian Age is the age of Satan's performance and the rule of the land, which happens to be on the night of 21 December 2012)
* Your Zodiac signs are Aquarius and Capricorn.
* Your planets are Uranus and Venus (Morning Star)
* Your directions are south and east.
* The most important day of the year is December 23, when the Sun is in a degree in Capricorn. 10 Capricorn is the sign of the zodiac and the first degree of this sign makes eleven. The day after the start of the winter solstice is his Personal Day, to be observed by every dedicated Satanist.
Their sigils are:
Making a Commitment to Satan
-Dr. Faustus
*Please read the Frequently Asked Questions at the bottom of the page.
What happens when I make a formal commitment to Satan?
Satan looks out for his own. Satan gives us an inner strength and we become very strong in spirit. Unlike right hand path religions, where adherents are forever praying and searching for their god, Satan comes to us on his own. Many times, we can feel him. He comes to guide us when we get down, worried, or are experiencing problems.
He snaps us into line and directs us as to what we need to do to be focused and happy.
The foundation of Spiritual Satanism is in our finishing Satan's work upon humanity. This is the goal of the godhead, and is accomplished through power meditation. Humanity is currently at a very low level spiritually. When we begin to meditate, we experience profound positive changes within our lives. Satan and his Demons (The Original Gods) protect us and look out for us as we transform and achieve personal power. With Satan, we have protection that outsiders do not have. We can advance in the powers of the mind and soul as far as we wish. For outsiders, this can prove dangerous.
Satan also gives us knowledge. "I lead to the straight path without a book."
As we transform and grow, our lives change for the better and we are much happier. We learn through Satan how to take control of our own lives and destiny instead of being at the mercy of fate. We learn to heal ourselves, and to fulfill our own desires, using the powers of our mind and soul.
In making a commitment, we engage a formal ritual. This is done out of free will. We are making a choice, as opposed to being dragged off to some Christian church, and reciting canned prayers (stolen and corrupted from Eastern mantras) in front of a bunch of idiots.
With knowledge and research, we can prove beyond all doubt that the nazarene, "jehova" and ilk are all fictitious characters, stolen from and corrupted concepts to remove all spiritual knowledge so that a "chosen" few can rule the world using powers of the mind and soul. For further information, please visit
Because so many have been forcefully indoctrinated with these characters, and what they stand for (Enemies of Satan), we renounce them permanently in the dedication ritual. This proves to be psychologically healthy and liberating.
The initiation ritual is very personal, unless you decide to have friends participate, or are doing it as part of a group.
You will need:
* 1 or more black, blue or red candles (as many as you like)
* A sterilized needle or razor
* A piece of clean paper, large enough to write the prayer below
* A dry pen, where you sign your name in blood (dip the ip of the pen in your blood)
Write the following prayer:
Before the almighty and ineffable God Satan/Lucifer and in the presence of all Demons of Hell, who are the True and the Original gods, I, (state your full name) renounce any and all past allegiances. I renounce the false Judeo/Christian god Jehova, I renounce his vile and worthless son Jesus Christ, I renounce his foul, odious, and rotten holy spirit.
I proclaim Satan Lucifer as my one and only God. I promise to recognize and honor him in all things, without reservation, desiring in return, his manifold assistance in the successful completion of my endeavors.
It is important to bathe before any rituals you perform, this is done out of respect. When you are ready, you can light the candle. Take the needle, prick the index finger of your left hand, squeeze some blood out.
Sign your name in blood.
Recite the prayer either aloud or in your head
Fold the paper and let it burn in the fire of the candle. Many of us have stayed and meditated until the candle had burned itself out.
At the end of the ritual, close with the words "So mote it be." And a Big "HAIL SATAN!!"
Frequently Asked Questions/concerns:
Can I perform the ritual more than once?
NO! Satanic rituals are real and binding. The ritual should only be done ONE TIME!
I performed the ritual. I could barely get any blood on the paper, is the ritual still valid?
YES!! The amount of blood does not matter, this is only a formality. What is in our hearts and what our intentions are, are much more important than the amount of blood in our signature.
Can I reverse the ritual at a later date?
Satanic rituals, unlike the rituals in other religions, are real and permanent. I received a very small number of letters from people who were confused and harassed by Christians. One person performed a reverse ritual and Satan left him. Totally. Satan does not push himself on anyone.
Christians are deceived. They believe their "God" to be "loving" and "forgiving." In truth, this monster is a spiteful, hateful attacker of human beings. When one is with Satan, one is always under his protection. He looks out for us and we enter a new life where we no longer have the worries that others endure. Things are not perfect, but they are always much better. Satan does not punish people who reject him, he simply leaves and one is left all alone to endure the torments of the enemy.
These people wrote to me because after several months, they were begging for Satan to take them back. The enemy did absolutely nothing for them. All were extremely regretful they ever left and very desperate to come back.
I am under-age and my parents would cause me serious problems if they ever caught me doing a Satanic ritual.
If there is absolutely no way you can perform the ritual without placing yourself in danger, you can perform it in your astral temple.
You can do the above ritual when you are older. Performing the dedication on the astral is every bit as valid as doing it physically. Satan is very understanding concerning teens who are forced into accepting Christianity while living at home and being underage.
I am underage, living in a Christian home and my parents force me to go to church and participate in Christian sacraments. Can I still do the dedication? Will Satan be angry with me?
Yes, you can still perform the ritual. Satan understands. As long as you are loyal to him in your heart, he will not be angry with you. Those of you under 18 are not free. There is no need to reveal your allegiance to Satan to anyone. What is in your heart is more important than anything else. Satan advises us in the Al-Jilwah not to reveal our religion to outsiders if it will cause us harm in any way, this is especially important for teens. Just renounce the Christian "God" in your mind if you are forced to participate in any of his garbage. Satan understands it can be downright dangerous, and in some cases even life-threatening for teens living in Christian homes to reveal their allegiance to him.
Source: JoS